Welcome to Breiðholt sign

Hverfi: Breiðholt

2022–2023, Listaverk
Interest survey: 90% positive out of 155
  • December 20, 2022

    In progress

  • February 10, 2023

    An idea was accepted in review as it met the rules and conditions of the project

  • February 21, 2023

    An idea made it onto the ballot and into the voting phase

  • September 6, 2023

    In voting

  • September 29, 2023

    The idea was voted for implementation and now the design and preparation for the implementation begins

  • June 25, 2024

    Design and preparation for implementation is underway

Welcome to Breiðholt sign

About the idea

The project entails installing a sign that welcomes residents and visitors to the neighborhood.

Original text from the author

Sett verði fallega hannað skilti sem býður íbúum og gestkomandi innilega velkomin í hverfið sem hefur upp á svo margt að bjóða. Best væri að setja slíkt skilti upp við gatnamótin efst á Höfðabakka þar sem umferð þar er mikil. Gott væri að láta gildi Breiðholts einnig standa á skiltinu en þau eru "Virðing, vinsemd og góðar stundir".