Trees and plants along the roads

Hverfi: Hlíðar

2022–2023, Opin svæði—Gróður
Interest survey: 96% positive out of 114
  • November 28, 2022

    In progress

  • January 31, 2023

    An idea was accepted in review as it met the rules and conditions of the project

  • March 7, 2023

    An idea made it onto the ballot and into the voting phase

  • September 6, 2023

    In voting

  • September 29, 2023

    The idea was voted for implementation and now the design and preparation for the implementation begins

  • June 25, 2024

    Design and preparation for implementation is underway

  • August 27, 2024

    Idea is now being implemented

  • August 27, 2024

    Implementation completed

Trees and plants along the roads

About the idea

The project entails planting trees and plants on traffic islands and along roads in the neighborhood.

Original text from the author

Hverfið okkar er að miklu leyti umvafið stórum og fjölförnum umferðargötum. Margfalda mætti fjölda trjáa og magn gróðurs í hverfinu, sígræn tré, háa þétta runna, litríkan gróður, t.d. meðfram Kringlumýrarbraut. Margt jákvætt sem af því fæst; gróður bindur koltvísýring í andrúmslofti, dregur úr hljóðmengun fyrir íbúa í nærliggjandi húsum og fegrar umhverfið.